Cancellations, changes and refunds

If you wish to change your booking

If you wish to change your booking, please notify Tasmanian Wilderness Experiences in writing to Changes are not guaranteed and may incur additional charges. Tasmanian Wilderness Experiences will notify you within 48 hours of your request to change your booking can be made, and if there are any additional charges. No changes can be made to a booking within 7 days of the confirmed booking.

If we make an extra pickup trip without passengers (see ‘Unforeseen Delays’ below), we will charge bushwalkers a surcharge of 75% of the minimum fare for the trip. We will ask you to provide your credit card details in advance to cover this possibility.

If you wish to cancel your booking

Cancellations are subject to the following fees and conditions:

  • Cancellations outside 30 days, full refund.

  • Between 30 to 7 days of a confirmed tour will forfeit 25% of the tour/transfer cost.

  • 7 days or less: no refund will be provided.

Please note all booking and card fees are non-refundable.

A failure to turn up at the pre-arranged time or place for your tour/trip will forfeit any and all monies paid to Tasmanian Wilderness Experiences.

Failure to pay for your tour/transfer by the due dates will be construed as a cancellation and will apply the above fees and conditions.

Cancellation by Tasmanian Wilderness Experiences

If Tasmanian Wilderness Experiences has reason to cancel your booking, you will receive a full refund on the tour/transfer price paid to date.

Sometimes we must cancel a scheduled tour booking because of conditions beyond our control (severe weather, impassable roads, bushfires). We reserve the right to cancel a booking without notice, and if we can’t find an alternative tour or booking to suit you, we will promptly refund your payment in full.  We will not be responsible for any consequential losses arising from a cancellation.

Unforeseen Delays

We recognise that bushwalkers may experience unforeseen delays on the track and may not arrive at their end point by the prearranged time.

If there are delays, this is our standard operating procedure:

We will:

1.        Arrive at the agreed pickup point at the agreed time (subject to any unforeseen delays we might also encounter enroute, for example, roadworks, accidents, etc);

2.        Wait a further hour for the bushwalkers if they are not at the pickup point before returning to Hobart/Launceston without them;

3.        Leave a message at the Walkers’ Registration Point advising of our expected return time the next day;

4.        Return the following day as soon as possible after fulfilling prior booking commitments – this return trip will be invoiced at 75% of the normal fare based on the minimum fare requirements of the relevant transfer service.

5.        Contact emergency services on the bushwalkers’ behalf if the bushwalkers have still failed to arrive at the pickup point and there is no apparent reason for their delay. Before departure bushwalkers should provide us with a Trip Intention Form to assist emergency services.