Bushwalker Transport Services

We provide a comprehensive transport service for bushwalkers accessing Tasmania’s walking tracks. With our convenient and flexible schedule, any day of the year, we can provide you with transport from Hobart CBD, Hobart Airport, Launceston CBD, or Launceston Airport in our 14-seater buses and transfer you to the many possible walking destinations around Tasmania. Book a return pick up and drop off to either Hobart or Launceston in time to catch your return flight.

Bookings are essential.  All transfers operate on demand with a minimum requirement of 4 fares.  Advertised times are based on our experience of the walks and nearest campsites.  Please contact us if you require a different time or destination.

Where would you like to go?

Transport Services

Overland Track

Walls of Jerusalem

Mount Field

South Coast Track

Frenchmans Cap Track

Federation Peak

Eastern & Western Arthurs

Three Capes

Looking for a different location?

Bushwalker supplies & extras

We offer a range of supplies to help make your trip as easy as possible. Add these to your booking if required.

Bag storage, up to 15kg: $35 per bag for duration of walk

Refer to our Bag Storage Policy for more details here.


Gasmate High Performance 230gms: $9.95 per cartridge

Gasmate High Performance 450gms: $14.95 per cartridge

Jetboil Gas 100gms: $14.99 per cartridge

Jetboil Gas 230gms: $18.99 per cartridge

Jetboil Gas 450gms: $25.99 per cartridge

Shellite Fuel: $13.00 per litre

Lighter: $2.50

Metholated Spirits: $6.50 per litre 

Parks Pass, valid 8wks: $46.60 per person

PLB Hire: $7.00 per day


Bookings are essential for this service.  All transfers operate on demand with a minimum requirement of 4 fares. Understand the four fare rule here. Advertised times are based on our experience of the walks and the nearest campsites.  Please contact us if you require a different time or destination.

To confirm a booking, reservation or order, you must pay a deposit of 25% of the value of the goods and/or services. We will send you a booking receipt confirming your order, showing the balance due on your account. Final payment for your booking, reservation or order must be paid at least seven (7) days before your tour or scheduled pickup date.

  • Please refer to our cancellation policy here.

  • All transfers operate on demand with a minimum requirement of 4 fares. To guarantee departure for 3 people or less an agreement to pay the additional fare(s) is required.

    The additional fares will be refunded if other passengers book the same transfer. Failure to reach the minimum of 4 fares 10 days before a trip will result in a full refund being offered and the service canceled if you’re unwilling to pay the additional fares for the service to operate.

    Please see more details here, including answers to frequently asked questions.

  • We recognise that bushwalkers may experience unforeseen delays on the track and may not arrive at their end point by the prearranged time.

    If there are delays, this is our standard operating procedure:

    We will:

    1. Arrive at the agreed pickup point at the agreed time (subject to any unforeseen delays we might also encounter enroute, for example, roadworks, accidents, etc);

    2. Wait a further hour for the bushwalkers if they are not at the pickup point before returning to Hobart/Launceston without them;

    3. Leave a message at the Walkers’ Registration Point advising of our expected return time the next day;

    4. Return the following day as soon as possible after fulfilling prior booking commitments – this return trip will be invoiced at 75% of the normal fare based on the minimum fare requirements of the relevant transfer service.

    5. Contact emergency services on the bushwalkers’ behalf if the bushwalkers have still failed to arrive at the pickup point and there is no apparent reason for their delay. Before departure bushwalkers should provide us with a Trip Intention Form to assist emergency services.

  • We can provide secure storage of bags for Tasmanian Wilderness Experience clients whilst you enjoy your walk in the wilderness. Cost per bag is $35 for the duration of your walk. Please see our Bag Storage Policy here.