Overland Track
From $110 per person
From / to
Launceston, Hobart, Cynthia Bay (Lake St Clair), Cradle Mountain
Transfers to and from Cradle Mountain (Overland Track Start) and Cynthia Bay (Overland Track End) to/from hotels or addresses in the Hobart CBD and Launceston CBD. Access from the Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre to the Ronny Creek trailhead is via a shuttle bus.
Commercial cabin accommodation and camping is available opposite the visitor centre. Hotel and resort accommodation is available within 2 kilometres of the visitor centre.
This transfer is suitable for the following walk itineraries:
Overland Track (6 to 7 days)
Lake Rodway circuit (2 days)
Penguin Cradle Trail (6 to 8 days)
Cradle Mountain to Arm River (4 days)
Cradle Mountain to Walls of Jerusalem via Lees Paddocks or The Never Never (7 to 9 days)
Departure time can be flexible subject to availability. Contact us to request a different time to those advertised.
A 25% deposit is required at the time of booking.
All transfers operate on demand with a minimum requirement of 4 fares.
To guarantee departure for 3 people or less please tick the box on the Booking Details screen to indicate you agree to pay the additional fare(s).
Partial or full credit (refund) of the additional fares will be arranged if other passengers book the same transfer.
Full fare must be paid at least ten days in advance of the scheduled pickup date.
About this service
Planning your Overland Track walk
Getting the most out of your stay in Tasmania before and after your walk requires a little extra planning, and we’re here to help! Arriving in Launceston, but want to return to Hobart at the end of your walk? No problems! We will even transfer any bags stored with us so they’re ready for you at Cynthia Bay, before transferring to Hobart.
Please read out Bag Storage Policy here for details and fees. We don’t charge any additional fees for the transfer of your bags from Launceston to Hobart.

Bookings essential
*All transfers operate on demand with a minimum requirement of 4 fares. To guarantee departure for 3 people or less an agreement to pay the additional fare(s) is required. Refer to Terms & Conditions for more information.
Advertised times are based on our experience of the walks and the nearest campsites. Please contact us if you require a different time or destination.
Don’t have a booking? If you have not pre-booked but wish to use a service on the day (if there’s one available/leaving at the trailhead) you will be charged an additional administration fee of $50 inc. GST per person.
To confirm a booking, reservation or order, you must pay a deposit of 25% of the value of the goods and/or services. We will send you a booking receipt confirming your order, showing the balance due on your account. Final payment for your booking, reservation or order must be paid at least ten (10) days before your tour or scheduled pickup date.
Some destinations in Tasmania, especially exposed areas, can be very cold and windy, and you need to consider possible weather conditions when selecting your tour destination. Call us if in doubt.
We highly recommend travel insurance to cover any unexpected delays, lost luggage, interruptions or medical treatments.
Unforeseen Delays
We recognise that bushwalkers may experience unforeseen delays on the track and may not arrive at their end point by the prearranged time.
If there are delays, this is our standard operating procedure:
We will:
Arrive at the agreed pickup point at the agreed time (subject to any unforeseen delays we might also encounter enroute, for example, roadworks, accidents, etc);
Wait a further hour for the bushwalkers if they are not at the pickup point before returning to Hobart/Launceston without them;
Leave a message at the Walkers’ Registration Point advising of our expected return time the next day;
Return the following day as soon as possible after fulfilling prior booking commitments – this return trip will be invoiced at 75% of the normal fare based on the minimum fare requirements of the relevant transfer service.
Contact emergency services on the bushwalkers’ behalf if the bushwalkers have still failed to arrive at the pickup point and there is no apparent reason for their delay. Before departure bushwalkers should provide us with a Trip Intention Form to assist emergency services.
Arrival & Departure Locations & Times
Transfers are to or from Hobart CBD or Launceston CBD except the Cynthia Bay to Cradle Mountain Shuttle. The Cynthia Bay to Cradle Mountain shuttle does not include transport to or from Hobart.
Departure times are subject to availability and determined based on our experience and knowledge about the trails and timings. Contact us to request a different time to those advertised.
We will travel to other destinations if our booking commitments allow. Contact us to discuss your requirements and we’ll be happy to accommodate you.
Prices, Deposits & Surcharges
Prices are as advertised. A 25% deposit is required at the time of booking. Full fare must be paid at least ten days in advance of the scheduled pickup date.
Some prices increase during the winter months from May to September inclusive.
With ever-increasing fuel prices, regrettably, our fares are subject to change without notice, so please check with us for the current fare before making your travel arrangements.
Airport parking fees are not included in the above fares and are payable by our clients.
We have allowed for a brief stop en route at a public convenience on journeys greater than two hours. Any additional unscheduled stops will attract a charge of $50/hour or part thereof (including GST) waiting time to cover our driver’s wages.
Don't have a booking?
If you have not booked ahead but wish to use a service on the day (if there's one available at the trailhead) you will be charged an additional administration fee of $50 inc. GST per person.
Solo Travellers & Groups up to 3 People
All transfers operate on demand with a minimum requirement of 4 fares. To guarantee departure for 3 people or less an agreement to pay the additional fare(s) is required.
A refund of the additional fares will be arranged if other passengers book onto the same transfer. Failure to reach the minimum of 4 fares 10 days before a trip will result in a full refund being offered and the service cancelled if you’re not willing to pay the additional fares for the service to operate.
Groups Larger than 10 People
We offer 20% discount for groups of 10 and more passengers under a single booking.
Please refer to our cancellation policy here.